All moved in !
I spent every weekend tidying up bit by bit ; Kevin was also busy with installing door stoppers, towel rails, sort of small stuff ,etc..It's really an interesting and enjoyable DIY experience that we never have before. We learnt from our unsuccess ,failures and we're very happy at the progress we're making now. Bunnings is our must-be-place every weekend. We bought handy tools from there , though one or two is crap :P and also got to know many useful things from the professionals there..
The house is still feeling quite empty, as we're still waiting for the blinds to be installed and two couch to be delievered.. The most headache stuff is the optical fibre, which we've been waiting for 2 weeks now and still yet to be connected , which is such a pain !! Life without internet is like a disaster to me :(
No photoes today..will definitely upload more photoes when the internet is connected !